Friday, August 27, 2010


There are no words to express the extent of our lost.  Our little man lit up even the most difficult days.   On August 27th at 8:49am Rob and I said goodbye to our beautiful boy.  Reid passed as he lived, with generousity of spirit and love.  In an act of great love Reid gave his liver to another child who would have otherwise met the same fate.  His cornea's will go to child to give them sight.  For this reason and too many others to note his father and I are so proud of the little man that Reid was.  He has a tremendous following of fans and we have appreciated all of the love and support that have come from them.  Special thanks goes out to our parents, siblings, close friends and the AMAZING staff of the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children; Cardiology CCU, Cardiology and the Emergency Department.  Also, huge thanks to Reids therapist's at Grandview Children Centre (Maria, Anslie and Jennifer), Colleen Mycroft of the Durham Infant Development Program and Marcia Lee of CAR.  And last, but not least his pediatrician; Dr. Scott Styles.  Reid achieved some incredible feats in his short lifetime through his own determination and the help and guidance from this amazing team.   We miss our little man's smiling face and contagious belly laugh and know that he goes in peace to somewhere beautiful.


  1. This is an amazing picture of Reid! Showing how joyful and strong he was! He will always be remembered in a special place in our hearts! Nicole, Rob & Quinn, we are very sorry for your loss and your family are in our prayers.
    With love,
    Yamilet & Jordan

  2. Nicole & Rob,

    I am deeply saddened by your loss. I can only imagine that there is no pain more far-reaching and deeper than losing a child. Reid was a great little boy, a true inspiration to everyone around him. My heart and prayers go out to you at this most difficult time.

    I am so sorry for your loss.

    Lots love,

    Greg Farrington

  3. So sorry to hear of the loss of your little man, my prayers are with you and all the family. Look back with fond memories of a wee one that made life much better for other children.

  4. Nicole, Rob and baby Quinn;
    I can not express how saddened I am for you all. In such a short time Reid lived more and taught others how to live and love and laugh more than most people do in a whole lifetime. I am sure you will miss him every second but you should know that he touched someone deeply ever second he was here. My heart and prayers are with you.
    Linda Coulas

  5. Dear Nicole and Rob,
    There are no words to describe your loss. Still you made every day with Reid the one to remember. His life is a true celebration of what family is all about, and in his short life Reid was very blessed for the gift of family that he had. You and Rob are an inspiration to all of us, thank you for that.
    My thoughts are with you
    Mina Tasic


Reid Bundy

Reid Bundy
Like Father, like Son!



Hang'in at the Beach

Hang'in at the Beach
Reid gets to the Ocean in the Cayman Islands.

Big Ol' Blue Eyes!

Big Ol' Blue Eyes!
Ladies watch out!